3nd International
Africa, Reality an Hope
With works of art by African artists in Germany
21 — 24 October 2022
About WaLa
The WaLa Film Festival is looking for the lost human dignity in the whole world, wants to focus on, research, and analyze it, because human tragedies and human rights crises are universal even in this day and age. Responsible for the organization and realization of the festival is the association »WaLa Freundschaft e.V.« around the initiator Mohammad Hassan Nazeri
Our Sponsors
We would like to thank our donors and sponsors
• epicto GmbH Veranstaltungs- und Konferenztechnik
• Elke-Laszker-Tietz Stiftung
• ICL BK Giulini GmbH
• ZONTA Club Weinheim e.V.
• ROTARY – Hilfe Schriesheim – Lobdengau
• Stadt Ladenburg
• Jugendzentrum „Kiste“
• Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Ladenburg
• Edeka Keller Aktiv Markt
• Dr. Meinhard Georg
as well as all private donors from the bottom of our hearts for your generous support!
Bank account
WaLa Freundschaft e. V.
Sparkasse Rhein-Neckar-Nord
IBAN DE 33670505050039807335